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2024 Annual Meeting and Elections

Yvonne Kriss | Published on 2/14/2024
2024 Annual Board Meeting and Elections

Would you like to serve as an IPA Board Member and shape the future of the IPA?

IPA's Annual Meeeting and Elections is held each year in April. Serving on the IPA's Board of Directors provides real opportunities to lead, represent the interests and concerns of paralegals, and help shape our profession. The Board of Directors also works tirelessly to put together quality CLE programs, networking events, workshops, and professional development trainings. The IPA's Bylaws state that "a Regular member wishing to run for the Board shall have been a Regular member of the Association for at least one year and shall have attended at least three meetings of the Board prior to his or her election." If you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors and meet the qualifications, please submit a one-page biography and statement of objectives, which will be provided to all Regular members for consideration. Email your biographical sketch and statement of objectives to the IPA office no later than March 22, 2024.